Thursday, March 22, 2012

Banking on help - Business First of Buffalo:
The food organization has distributed about 11 percent more than this timelast “Our agencies are all reporting an increase in people coming in,” says Marylou interim president and CEO. “And it’s more of the workingy families. They just can’f stretch the dollar any further.” The Food Bank distributews about a million pounds of food throughn 400 agencies ina four-county serving about 90,000 people per month. The demanf has come across all sectors, from food pantriee to nonprofit after-school programs. Most in demand this montyh were turkeys and traditional Thanksgiving trimmings as families stocker up forthe holiday.
The Food Bank also encouragees its member agencies to encouraged better nutrition with healthyfood products. Statistics providedf by a state association of food banks show the numberf of people living in povertyat 37.3 millionm — up about 800,000 over last In New York, more than 10 percentg of households are at risk of hunger and about 2.6 million people in the state are currently livingb below the poverty level, or 14.3 percent of the total state population.
A national survey by Feeding Americz of food banks found that demanxd for food in communities across the Uniterd States has risen by 15 percentr to 20 percent over the last year So far, the Food Bank of WNY is keeping pace with the thanks in large part to area food cash donations and promotions at area retailers. The Food Bank can also maximizs cash from private charitable foundations and public and private grantsd by purchasing more product fromits sources. A donatio n of $1 helps the Food Bank distributre enough food for five and ahalf meals. Beginnintg Dec. 12, the Food Bank will partner with and WGRZChannel 2, which will accept donations of food, nonperishable iteme and cash.
Wal-Mart held a recentr food drive, accepting non-perishablw items at 10 area stores througgh a new partnership between the and eight regionalk food banks throughoutthe state.

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