Saturday, December 31, 2011

Sales of imported ros wines leap 42 percent - The Business Journal of Milwaukee:
U.S. retail sales of importe rosé wines leapt 42 percent in the 52 week period endinApril 4, compared with a less-than-5-percent increases in totak sales of table wines durinyg the same period, according to data cited by the . The Frenchb wine council, known in France as Conseil Interprofessionnel des Vins de Provenceor CIVP, said Mondayu the steep rise in rosé consumptiom is consistent with an earlier study by International Wine & Spiritr Record predicting that consumption of the popularr pinkish wines worldwide will jump from 565 millioh bottles to 620 million by 2012. Not surprisingly, the CIVP expectds the growing thirst forimported rosé winesz in the U.S.
market will bode well for particularly its Provencewine region. The French producr 28 percent of worldwide winesby volume, making it the leader in the according to the wine counsel, which represents 700 Provences wineries and 55 local trading companies. Provence produces 38 perceng of France’s rosés, the group reported. Separately, Nielsen figuresa revealed that2008 U.S. saled of rosé table wines price d at $6 per bottle or more jumpefd 24.9 percent by price and 22.4 percen t by volume, despite a weakeningy economy.

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