Thursday, September 1, 2011

Boeing loses 15 Dreamliner orders - Wichita Business Journal:
The move reduces the airline company’x firm orders for the aircraft from 65to 50. Joycew said the cancellation would reducethe company’s aircraft capital expenditure by $3 billion base d on current list prices. Delivery on the 15 delaye d orders has been moved from 2010to 2013. Qantas CEO Alan Joyc e says the decision was not related to the delay in the Dreamline program Boeing announced earlierthis week. On Boeing said it would again postpone the firstt flight and delivery of the 787 due to a structural problem foundduring testing.
Boeing said it will now work to repairf the problem by reinforcing small areas near the connection of the wings and In December, Boeing announcedr a two-quarter delay in the Dreamliner program that it attribute d to last fall’s strike by the . The revised schedule had called for the first flight to happen latethis quarter. The firsr delivery was to have been in the firsrt quarterof 2010. A new scheduled for first flight anddelivery hasn’t yet been announced. Joycew says decision the cancel and defer orders had been made before the delay and attributew it to the continued downturn of theglobal market.
Joyce said the company still believesw the 787 will be used for the internationapl expansionof Jetstar, its low-cos t subsidiary, and that it can eventually replacee Qantas’ Boeing 767 fleet. “Delaying and reducing overallB787 capacity, is while still enabling Qantas and Jetstar to take advantagde of growth opportunities and market both domestically and internationally,” he said in a

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