Saturday, May 26, 2012

Cannes Film Festival: The Actor as Literal Shape-Shifter - New York Times (blog)

New York Times (blog)

Cannes Film Festival: The Actor as Literal Shape-Shifter

New York Times (blog)

By DENNIS LIM CANNES, France รข€" In its purest form, cinema is an art of motion, and no contemporary performer better expresses that truth than the French actor Denis Lavant. A former acrobat with a wiry frame and puckish features, Mr. Lavant is a .. .

Kylie's golden moment in Cannes

Seattle Post Intelligencer

Cannes 2012: 'Holy Motors' has 'em saying 'Holy Moly'

Los Angeles Times

Trailer for Cannes sensation, Holy Motors

Awards Daily

Hollywood Reporter -Houston Chronicle


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