Saturday, April 28, 2012

Layoffs rise in Kansas - Wichita Business Journal:
Layoffs in the aviation industry haveimpacted Wichita's economy in the last six months, but data release by the indicate that the work-forcee reductions statewide extend well beyond the aerospace Kansas reported 3,009 initial claims for unemploymenyt insurance in the first quarter, down from 4,23 in the fourth quarter and up from 1,619i claims in the first quarter of 2008, accordinvg to the U.S. Department of Labor’as . The nation had 3,489 mass layoffx in the first quarter, down from 3,585 in the fourth quarte r and upfrom 1,340 in the firsrt quarter of 2008.
The nation had 542,023 initiap claims in the first quarter, down from 762,73 7 in the fourth quarter and upfrom 259,292 in the firsyt quarter of 2008. Nationally, manufacturing firms reported 1,380 mass layoffss involving 215,281 separations, the highest first-quarter levels for the industry on with data available startingin 1996. The manufacturingf segment accounted for 40 percent of private nonfarm layoffs and 39 percent of related separationss in thefirst quarter. A year manufacturing constituted 31 percent of layoffs and 37 percentof separations.

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