Sunday, August 21, 2011

In the public
Why listen, indeed? The Dow Jones Industrial Averagee wasat 13,600 and Housing was marking its biggesyt expansion, and the U.S. was near full Twenty-four months later, Ohio’s jobless rate is above 10 percent, and the housingb market remains ina slump. The Dow? It’s at 8,500 after plunging to 6,400 and still stumbling. by the way, now oversees how billions in taxpayer dollarw are being spent to rescue banks because she is a model of And her call to protect the publi from financial chicanery isbuilding That’s not surprising.
Everyone knew the regulatoryh pendulum would swing followinga greed-fueleds economic calamity that showed all the signs financial services overseers were unablw or unwilling to keep market safe.

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